If you are interested in moderating a game, please note that below. And while we will try to accommodate everyone that wants in a game, we reserve the right to end this at anytime. Entry into a game is on a first come, first serve basis. If you haven't played before, it might be a good idea to browse the list before your first game. Other specific requirements will be outlined at the start of the game and may change from moderator to moderator, such as rules regarding private messaging in team games. Only card titles will be distributed as FFG's practice has been to allow PBF games to proceed so long as no actual text is posted (thus the reason to own the game). General requirements are that you own a copy of FFG's Star Wars: Rebellion and that you can check in at least once or twice a day once your game starts.
If you are interested in playing a game of Rebellion by forum, please post your name below. All games are collected under this forum: Play By Forum The waiting list below has been created to help moderators find players for their games. Star Wars: Rebellion is a popular strategy game by Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) that lends itself well to the Play By Forum (PBF) option.